Content Tool drop an error message, when the imported character number and bitmap file's character numbers are same?

  • Content Tool drop an error message, when the imported character number and bitmap file's character numbers are same. What is my mistake in this situation?

    Character order:

    aábcdeéfghiíjklmnoóöőpqrstuúüűvwxyz><-.:;/\(),„”[]1234567890AÁBCDEÉFGHIÍJKLMNOÓÖŐPQRSTUÚÜŰVWXYZ?!=*+_~’%$#ˇ^÷€@{}?☕ ??????????ⓁⒶ?????????ⓃⓄ?❆△????⛫?✈&Ⓣ????????? ?????️⚽∏⛧↻↺↬︼⪓?✕

    Bitmap file:…7CNUxNv6uNtIrb7WjJ-aGh2pb

  • Perhaps the problem is just that your upper pixel line (which marks where characters are) ends with "white" and ends not with a last "black" pixel?

  • Unfortunately not. :(

    I tried it to make black to end, after I made black to the front. The result is same.

    After that, I tried to an imported texture (but I made a new folder with new file name) with same character order, but Content Tool just writted the error message.

    In last Sunday everything worked well...

  • I have got same problem. I tried to import a texture with Balzska's method, and with Marcel's method, but the result was same. Content Tool wrote same message which you can see in the post... :/

    It is possible to add a option, where we players can disable this CT's option?

  • I strarted in investigation what is problem's reason. I found a a logfile in the Tools folder. The logfile says:

    " [0220/] Settings version is not 1 "

    Can you see it what is it?

  • This is not a LOTUS Logfile and is therefore irrelevant

    \|/⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(__)


    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀||⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀(__)



  • I found an interesting workaround to solve this problem, but the main problem is live:

    Notice: If I don't press the "Save" button, this workaround doesn't work, because without the "save" button the Content Tool make an empty .lbf file

  • Yes, I use these characters from a to the cross.

    (and I plan to add some German, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Croation, Polish, Romanian, Portugese, Brasilian and old Latin specific characters to my fonts)

  • Janine

    Hat das Thema geschlossen
  • Janine

    Hat das Label Behoben hinzugefügt
  • Janine

    Hat das Label ContentTool hinzugefügt