Problem with couplings

  • Hi!

    I would like to make a train with 3 cars.
    First option is every car is in its own .lob file.
    The Problems with this solution:
    - The couplings arent works good

    As you can see the couplings arent stay on their rotation points. (Maybe a Bug?)

    - Make the electronic cables is impossible. (I wrote an other threat about that: )

    The second Solution is that the whole 3 cars are in one .lob file.

    All cars have 2 bogies and between the cars in real life there is a coupling.
    My question is, how can I animate the couplings? Are they levitating cars? Ok but i have to give 2 bogies to a levitating car, but the couplings arent in connection with bogies just with the body of the cars.
    Any Ideia or sulotion?

  • Janine

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet
  • hmmmmm...

    Well, I see the problem, but unfortunately, it cannot be solved yet. Later, it will be possible to add "real" couplings also between vehicle parts of one vehicle, but I believe, it will take some time, until we will add this feature...

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