Tram car shifters and turntables

  • Is it currently possible to create a working tram car shifter or railway turntable in Lotus Simulator?

    I imagine the shifting object built as a rail vehicle that could be controlled, running on a large-gauge track.

    The right script could cause an invisible section of track to move or rotate according to the movement of the shifter and connect or disconnect to individual entry tracks, allowing rail vehicles to enter the shifter or turntable.

    Alternatively, there could be a special section for generating shifter objects in the scenery editor and content-tool, where all parameters of shifters and turntables will be defined and inserted into the scenery.

  • tokirium

    Changed the title of the thread from “Tram car shifters ant turntables” to “Tram car shifters and turntables”.
  • Thats actually a very interesting idea. Never thougt about that. The only train/railway games were ive seen something like this, are Train Simulator 2024 or Train Simulator Classic and Train Sim World.

    In this game, things like turntables are objects that are placed in the route editor and then you attach the railway tracks to that. Ingame, you can just drive with an locomotive onto the turntable or car shifter and then press a key to move it. Also in Train Sim World, there are some working turntables on certain routes wich basically work like the ones in Train Simulator.

    Back to Lotus :D So I dont know if and how you could build turntables or car shifters in Lotus. I guess, that it would be an animated object that is placed in the map editor and then connected to the rails. I dont think that you can build a vehicle and then drive onto it. Also that would not be very pratical since you would need to spawn this vehicle every time the map is reloaded.

    I think it might be possible to make an animated object since there are also animated objects like gates or signals that are controlled by the player.

    Maybe the game developers know more on how to implement something like that. Its up to them to reply.

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