=========================== LOTUS Logfile =========================== Date: 29.12.2020 Time: 08:57:09 Version: 1.EA.085 (64 bit) (1.0.7665.1188) Main Thread ID: 4452/$1164 Start parameters: 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Ignoring container "AST Sounds.lct" from Workshop "AST Umgebungsgeraeusche Paket 1 V1.1" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "AST Umbebungsgeräusche Paket 2 V1.1" 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Ignoring container "Documents.lct" from Workshop "Objektsammlung by Bio1986" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "" 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Ignoring container "Spielplatz by Bio.lct" from Workshop "Objektsammlung by Bio1986" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "" 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Ignoring container "Tankstellen by Bio.lct" from Workshop "Objektsammlung by Bio1986" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "" 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Ignoring container "AST Sounds.lct" from Workshop "AST Umgebungsgeräusche Paket 4 V1.1" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "AST Umbebungsgeräusche Paket 2 V1.1" 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Container Kienzler-Wartehallen_FD.lct was created by a Nightly Build! It may cause problems with your LOTUS version! 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Ignoring container "KPH_Fonts.lct" from Workshop "Thalstett Zubehoer" due to container with same name and user id in MyContent directory 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Ignoring container "KPH_Kreuzungen.lct" from Workshop "Thalstett Zubehoer" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "Twinaue Objekte" 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Warning: Ignoring container "FG_OLMast.lct" from BaseAddons directory due to container with same name and user id in Addons directory 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Collecting and loading plugin DLLs... 08:57:34 - Thread: 1164 - Information: VM0 08:57:35 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Creating graphical interface... 08:57:35 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Video adapter: Radeon RX 580 Series 08:57:35 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Video RAM: 4095 MB or more 08:57:35 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Video status: OK 08:57:35 - Thread: 1164 - Information: OpenGL-Version: 4.6.14757 Compatibility Profile Context 20.11.3 27.20.14501.24001 08:57:35 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Max supported texture size: 16384 08:57:35 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Finished creating graphical interface 08:57:35 - Thread: 2510 - Information: VM00 08:57:39 - Thread: 1164 - Information: DL-0 08:57:39 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Input process started 08:57:39 - Thread: 2510 - Information: DL-A 08:58:13 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Loading map Diorama (1000:486319204) ... 08:58:14 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Entrypoint III = BW Gl. 4 08:58:14 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Placing vehicle(s) GT6N... 08:58:53 - Thread: 1164 - Error: map calcmt part c: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0000000000D001BF in Modul 'LOTUS.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 0000000000000020 08:58:53 - Thread: 1164 - Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0000000000D001BF in Modul 'LOTUS.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 0000000000000020 - CalculateMainThread - In loop 08:58:53 - Thread: 1164 - Error: Loop: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0000000000D001BF in Modul 'LOTUS.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 0000000000000020 - CalculateMainThread 08:58:54 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Destroying master manager... 08:58:55 - Thread: 034C - Error: MSCS-1: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0000000000EF0792 in Modul 'LOTUS.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 0000000000000000 08:58:55 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Destroying map... 08:58:55 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Destroying Map 08:59:25 - Thread: 1164 - Information: All map loading threads stopped 08:59:25 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Map destoyed 08:59:26 - Thread: 1164 - Information: Master manager destroyed End of logfile - Logger stops regularly