=========================== LOTUS Logfile =========================== Date: 24.06.2021 Time: 18:34:42 Version: 1.EA.094 (64 bit) (1.0.7806.39262) -logdirect Flag set Main Thread ID: 8068/$1F84 Start parameters: -debuglog, -logdirect 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Warning: Container 5_Zoll_Gleise.lct was created by a Nightly Build! It may cause problems with your LOTUS version! 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Warning: Container Andreaskreuz_Tafel.lct was created by a Nightly Build! It may cause problems with your LOTUS version! 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Collecting and loading plugin DLLs... 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: VM0 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Creating graphical interface... 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Video adapter: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Video RAM: 8176 MiB 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Video status: OK 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: OpenGL-Version: 4.6.14758 Compatibility Profile Context 21.2.1 27.20.14533.1000 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Max supported texture size: 16384 18:34:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Finished creating graphical interface 18:34:44 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Set Resolution to: 1920 x 1080 18:34:44 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: DL-0 18:34:45 - Thread: 0A94 - Information: VM00 18:34:46 - Thread: 0A94 - Information: DL-A 18:35:42 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Loading map Düsseldorf 1981 (1652990:749803353) ... 18:35:47 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Entrypoint III = Hauptbahnhof Kehrgleis 18:35:47 - Thread: 1F84 - Information: Placing vehicle(s) DüWag GT8S+DüWag GT8S... 18:55:18 - Thread: 0A94 - Error: ModuleFor2: Error: Session expired. (244)