=========================== LOTUS Logfile =========================== Date: 30.05.2022 Time: 10:52:49 Version: 1.EA.103 (64 bit) (1.0.8139.6913) ********************************************************* *************** N I G H T L Y B U I L D *************** ********************************************************* \|/ (__) `\------(oo) || (__) ||w--|| \|/ \|/ Main Thread ID: 13884/$363C Start parameters: 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "Ansagen.lct" from Workshop "FIS Stuttgart" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "Zusatzobjekte Stuttgart 3" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "AlteWaldbahn.lct" from Workshop "Alte Waldbahn V1.11" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "GT6N-LED-Matrix-Files.lct" from Workshop "LED Matrix White" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "LED Matrix Weiß GT8S(U)" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "LED_Berlin_Fonts.lct" from Workshop "LED Matrix White" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "LED Matrix Weiß GT8S(U)" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "Haltestellen.lct" from Workshop "Objektsammlung by Bio1986 Part II" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "AST Umgebungsgeräusche Paket 4 V1.1" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "Hilfspfeile.lct" from Workshop "Objektsammlung by Bio1986 Part II" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "Texturen (by linieninfo400)" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "AST Sounds.lct" from Workshop "LZA Baukasten | Basispaket" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "Straßenbahn Forsthausen V0.5" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "AST Sounds.lct" from Workshop "AST Umbebungsgeräusche Paket 2 V1.1" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "Straßenbahn Forsthausen V0.5" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "AFR-Fonts.lct" from Workshop "BKVT type V (AI and MP compatible)" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "BKV_5800" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "SB_Haeuser.lct" from Workshop "GT6N Rheinhausen" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "Erfurt" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "SB_kleine_Szeneryobjekte.lct" from Workshop "GT6N Rheinhausen" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "SB_Mauern , Stadttor und Splines" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "SB_Oberleitung.lct" from Workshop "GT6N Rheinhausen" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "Stevens Haltestellenobjekte" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "SB_Ziegelmauer.lct" from Workshop "GT6N Rheinhausen" due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "[Asset] Dutch Parking Garage" 10:53:25 - Thread: 363C - Warning: Ignoring container "DMK_Kleinkram.lct" from BaseAddons directory due to container with same name and user id in Workshop "[MAN A21] Sonnenburg V2 - Offizielles Repaintpack" 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: Collecting and loading plugin DLLs... 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: Discord Init Result = 4 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: VM0 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: Creating graphical interface... 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: Video adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: Video RAM: 6144 MiB 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: Video status: OK 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: OpenGL-Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 512.77 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: Max supported texture size: 32768 10:53:26 - Thread: 363C - Information: Finished creating graphical interface 10:53:27 - Thread: 404C - Information: VM00 10:53:29 - Thread: 363C - Information: Set Resolution to: 2341 x 1234 10:53:29 - Thread: 363C - Information: DL-1 10:53:29 - Thread: 363C - Information: Input process started 10:53:29 - Thread: 1B24 - Information: DL-A 10:53:57 - Thread: 363C - Error: Exception while mouse up: Argument außerhalb des Bereichs