=========================== LOTUS Logfile =========================== Date: 28-10-2018 Time: 17:01:55 Version: 1.EA.013 (32 bit) (1.0.6873.63472) Main Thread ID: 0888 Start parameters: 17:01:55 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Collecting and loading plugin DLLs... 17:01:55 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Creating graphical interface... 17:01:55 - Thread: 0888 - Information: OpenGL-Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 388.13 17:01:55 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Max supported texture size: 16384 17:01:55 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Finished creating graphical interface 17:02:03 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Loading map Diorama (1000:486319204) ... 17:02:06 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Placing train GT6N... 17:02:32 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Quit button click... 17:02:32 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Destroying master manager... 17:02:32 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Destroying map... 17:02:32 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Destroying Map 17:02:33 - Thread: 0888 - Information: All map loading threads stopped 17:02:33 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Map destoyed 17:02:34 - Thread: 0888 - Information: Master manager destroyed End of logfile - Logger stops regularly