=========================== LOTUS Logfile =========================== Date: 02.12.2018 Time: 13:28:59 Version: 1.EA.015 (32 bit) (1.0.6910.39092) Main Thread ID: 0604 Start parameters: -debuglog 13:28:59 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Collecting and loading plugin DLLs... 13:28:59 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Creating graphical interface... 13:29:00 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Video adapter: AMD Radeon HD 6450 13:29:00 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Video RAM: 0 MB 13:29:00 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Video status: OK 13:29:00 - Thread: 0604 - Information: OpenGL-Version: 4.1.10907 Compatibility Profile Context 13:29:00 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Max supported texture size: 16384 13:29:00 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Finished creating graphical interface 13:29:00 - Thread: 0604 - Warning: Could not create floating point texture 13:29:00 - Thread: 0604 - Warning: Could not initialize artificial light sources due to insufficient OpenGL support by graphic chip! 13:29:03 - Thread: 0604 - Warning: Due to graphic card incompatibility, post processing could not be created! LOTUS is not be able to make screenshots! Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 00000000 in Modul 'LOTUS.exe'. Ausführung von Adresse 00000000 13:29:03 - Thread: 0604 - Error: Creating shadow map 13:29:07 - Thread: 0604 - Error: Creating GUI 13:29:08 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Destroying master manager... 13:29:08 - Thread: 0604 - Information: Master manager destroyed 13:29:11 - Thread: 0604 - Error: Exception while mouse down: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 00C68916 in Modul 'LOTUS.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 00000000 13:29:13 - Thread: 0604 - Error: Exception while mouse down: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 00C68916 in Modul 'LOTUS.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 00000000 End of logfile - Logger stops regularly