
  1. Writes quite a lot...

    1.000 posts written
  2. Always on the spot...

    More than 5.000 posts written
  3. Old hand

    Member from the start
  4. No topic without him...

    More than 10.000 posts written
  5. Player right from the start

    Registered in the year of LOTUS release
  6. Multiplayer Beta Tester

    The player helped with the betatesting of the LOTUS multiplayer.
  7. Blogger

    This user has his own blog on the LOTUS website.
  8. Filebase

    Player added something to the OpenLOTUS Filebase!
  9. Voice beta tester

    Person beta tested the event "Voice of LOTUS" and supported the developers with feedback.
  10. Globetrotter

    Supported non-German-speaking customers by providing foreign language forum and Workshop content.