New English file not uploaded!

  • Hey,

    You said on the Official Announcements forum :


    - Language: Changed language text of "Editor.Main.Coolbar.edDeltaZ.hint"

    - Language: New entries!

    But the English ZIP file is still in version 0914 (which was released before the EA.009).

    Did you put the new one somewhere?


  • Errrm the new file was part of the update, as always. Maybe the update was not complete? Please let Steam check your local files at first.

  • Errrm the new file was part of the update, as always. Maybe the update was not complete? Please let Steam check your local files at first.

    Nope, my update is finished ^^

    But, You (or Marcel) said me to add new entries to just click on the button "New Entries from another language", but I need the source file :D

    Oh! It's in OpenSource folder, then "LanguageFile".

    I'm silly, sorry! :rofl::doesnttalk:

  • Heuliez this file?

    Janine könntet ihr evtl. als Erlaubte Dateiendung zum hochladen .llg und .rar hinzufügen?



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