Lost where my things are located [Solved]

  • Ok so this my sound really stupid but i lost where the center of my map is and now i don't know where anything is. I checked x=0, y=0 and nothing is there or nearby X/

    How can i find my original spot?

  • The only thing that came to my mind now is to do the following:

    Open your working directory from the map editor and navigate to the folder of your map and then to the "Export" folder.

    There you can sort the files according to their file size.

    For my testmap it looks like this

    The name of the largest .mtl file is now important because the first two numbers show you which tile it is.

    The first number is the position of the tile at the latitude, the second value is the position at the longitude.

    These values can be read in the map editor in the lower status bar.

  • You can also press :debug: in the Map-Editor.

    Then a window opens where you can find the positions of your Rail Tracks & Parking Lots.

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