How can I add to PIS/FIS some strange Hungairan display texts?

  • I would like to ask 1-2 thing

    Firstly it is possible to make some scripts to show Budapest's some speciel display pictures, like "KOCSISZÍNBE" and "CITY TROLI" text with reverse characters ?

    Secondly, how can I import those, if they are not possible?

    Som of displays know this type oif texts, but some of them not.

    Thirdly, How can I script the punctual date to inside displays(in year/month/day/hour/minute format)?

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Balzska () aus folgendem Grund: I hope Google Translate will not translate acumatically the text to Hungarian from English

  • He asks how can he script a LED display like this, so the characters are drawn "inverse" (so the characters are black and the surrounding is lit), and how it's possible to import it in a FIS file.

  • You have to get two things:

    - a matrix, which supports this "effect" (our matrices don't support it)

    - and a so called Special PIS Group which fits to your PIS Group and which adds information for the matrix to activate this effect.

  • Sorry, but please post your text in English or in German here, otherwise we cannot give you "official" help! :-)

    Sorry, Google Translate automatically translated my post and overwrited my English text. :/

    You have to get two things:

    - a matrix, which supports this "effect" (our matrices don't support it)

    - and a so called Special PIS Group which fits to your PIS Group and which adds information for the matrix to activate this effect.

    Thank you your answer.

    And I would like to ask: It is possible to write the real punctual year, month and day to the displays?

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