[solved]Road marking spline acting weird

  • Salut community,

    This problem has persisted for some time now, whenever I'm laying new markings.

    My street level is at Z=0, and the marking is Z=0.002. As shown on the two images, it sort of "cuts off", depending on the viewing angle and distance:

    Settings of the spline:

    Initially, I thought it had something to do with incorrectly laid subgrades, since I have an older map section with the same problem, where the subgrades and tracks are placed wrong.

    However, the position shown on the pictures is from AFTER I learned to place and adjust tracks and subgrades correctly, so something else must be going on.

    Anyone got any idea?


  • Please try to shorten the length of the splines (5-10m or less, you can use :splinecut:, then you mustn't delete the spline). Hopefully this helps a little bit. If I am not wrong it is easier for splines to fit better to the terrain height and slope, when they are not too long.

  • thor2950

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Road marking spline acting weird“ zu „[solved]Road marking spline acting weird“ geändert.
  • The problem was the curb spline; somehow I placed it without :snapZ: activated. The terrain then went over the marking. Redoing the curb solved the problem. :giggle:

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