Posts by karadamir

    So I think I will reserve those russian trams for bi-directional needs...

    :flag_rus: А что там не так?) Если качество моделей, то пока в процессе большой работы по обновлению. Если какие-то другие моменты - пишите в тему с ОЗМТ.

    :flag_gb: What's wrong with it?) If the quality of the models, then it's still in the process of being updated in a big way. If anything else, post in the OZMT thread.

    When driving a bidirectional vehicle, how do you switch all controls to the other cab, and raise the other pantograph? (I'm specifically trying to use OZMT trams.)

    First, in the 1st cabin you have to switch off the lighting, 550 V (generator), lower the pantograph (like a lightning sign), turn the reverse to neutral position and in the mode change box (near the IBIS) change to slave (which is in the centre). And in the second cockpit similar actions in the opposite direction, then when selecting the mode you must select "single" (right button)

    But I have recorded a video, maybe you will understand it that way.

    By the way, I forgot about that topic. How will the tram pantograph crossing with the trolleybus be realized? It's just that in Russia we have special devices (a special part in the future), where "there are holes" for the passage of trolleybus rods. That is, the tram wire goes from the top, and the tram pantograph on the special part. There is a video in the first message, I hope that the tram pantograph will pass the crossing normally? Won't the trolleybus bar hit the invisible tram wire?

    With the bus module.

    Are you planning something? :)

    We are 100% planning a trolleybus for LOTUS. And not only plan, but also do. My friend recently laid out a render of a trolley bus.

    We are also interested in whether there will be functionality for trolleybuses with the output of a bus module?

    Если речь о том, что я думаю, то трамвайно-троллейбусное пересечение будет. По поводу искры, по приезду из Самары подниму эту тему.

    If we are talking about what I think, then there will be a tram-trolleybus intersection. Regarding the spark, upon arrival from Samara I will raise this topic.

    I began to notice for a long time that in LOTUS the time zone is somehow strange. It is simply amazing how it is that at 16:00 in LOTUS it is already late evening, and at 3:00 (night) this morning?

    At the very least, in my region at 4 p.m. this is no longer a late evening. Or until the time zone is set?

    Here such a question arose, and what to do if with Paralax mapping = 0, then the texture of the accordion is not blurry (screenshot No. 1), but if it is greater than 0, then it becomes cloudy (screenshot No. 2). What needs to be set correctly?

    I apologize if this topic was raised here. I'm having problems loading the satellite image in the map editor. That is, on the sides it normally opens the picture, and where the so-called center is located it does not load. How to deal with this problem? Log file attached to the message.

    Marcel Kuhnt Is it possible to modify the category "object"? Well, for example, I put 2 different attachments (connections), and in between the properties you can immediately enter the contact network (the wire). Is it possible? If you do not understand what they mean, you write.

    To be honest I don't know what is not clear. I'm talking about importing the poles as splines and not as sceneryobjects, so you wouldn't have to place them one by one.

    It’s not clear to me, because I don’t know much English, so I asked)

    Now I understand what they mean.

    Poles is the attachment point? Sorry for the question.

    Can you explain the examples in the form of pictures? I just didn’t understand the situation a lot, but I realized that we are talking about the contact network in the form of splines?

    As for the one on the left, everything is the same as in the situation with the lighting of the model. That is, also from 3D Max to Blender in .obj format (in the settings there is a “normal” line), and then from Blender to LOTUS in .x3d format.

    And here, what is on the right - directly from 3D Max to LOTUS.

    Although, I somehow gave Juliana my own accordion and he also did not work for him. Maybe there is a similar situation, as with the lighting texture of the model?

    In general, I want to return to this problem, because I want to load all models from 3D Max to LOTUS.

    What we have now. Yes, we can only add two harmonicas exported from Blender. But this is also not convenient.

    This screenshot shows the work of the accordion: Left done in 3D Max + Blender, on the right in 3D Max. This accordion was made from scratch.

    Maybe in this situation, you also need to add some kind of modifier? Julian , I understand that you did not tell the whole process. Maybe at the time of the harmonica creation you applied something to the object? And can this either be shown on video, or described in an article?