I set this link to WMTS server in LOTUS, using WMS/JPEG option.
- https://gis1.um.wroc.pl/arcgis/rest/services/ogc/OGC_ortofoto_2018/MapServer/tile/~z/~x/~y
It doesn't work - I have got only "still loading..." image. I hear that the CPU cooler works louder and there are a lot of files in cache, but after several minutes still no results on the screen.
I clean the cache every time.
Only direct links from post above are displayed, but their scale is inaccurate.
I suspect the problem may be in the projection. In QGIS when I add WMTS layer, it is "ETRS89 / Poland CS2000 zone 6 EPSG:2177". Its not compatible with LOTUS (found in other topics), so in the general settings of the project I set "WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator EPSG:3857". QGIS transforms the projection on the fly, so I can export it and open in the LOTUS Editor. It makes little blurry, but it doesn't matter on the higher zoom. You can see in my previous post, that rails on the second image are visible.
But LOTUS unfortunately uses only the lower zoom map, so it's to much blurry to work with it.
If its not possible to force the lotus to download the map in a closer zoom, my idea from first post is to add the ability to import vector maps created e.g. in QGIS as auxiliary lines.
What this Z value mean? I exported WMS map from QGIS with zoom 12 and the result is only this tile. The little red dot in the left-down corner is the tram depot from 2 tiles from my previous post. Only exported tiles with zoom above 18 are usable.