Texts Invisible, entries not in llg and other questions

  • Hi! I have 3 questions.


    After EA.003, if I set the font as default, Chinese is still invisible.

    If I set other font, than I can see that, but some text cannot display fully.

    (maybe you can't read Chinese in the middle, but I think you can read the time at the bottom)


    Some entries cannot be find in the official english.llg.


    If other vehicles have other functions not in official vehicles, how to add entries in llg file to translate the text in the helper? (like Turn on the air conditioner)

    Thank you.

  • After EA.003, if I set the font as default, Chinese is still invisible.

    Yes, the standard font was extended by special latin letters, e.g. for Hungarian or Turkish translation, but not by chinese letters. So you will have to choose another font. Since our own font is very, very narrow, I'd like to recommend choosing a font that has Chinese letters, but is narrow, too.

    Some entries cannot be find in the official english.llg.

    As far as I know, each vehicle brings its own language file for translation. So our GT6N as well. Going to publish that file, as well.

    If other vehicles have other functions not in official vehicles, how to add entries in llg file to translate the text in the helper?

    Every vehicle creator is able to provide his own language file. :)

  • Thank you for the answer.

    It's hard to find a narrow Chinese font that every user have, Although I can find a nice font, it is useless to other users don't have that font.

    Well, this isn't a serious problem.

    And I can't find this word "karte" from main menu in English language file, I think it's a German word, will you add this into official language file?

  • It's hard to find a narrow Chinese font that every user have

    Hmm hmm maybe we can solve it by using standard font on everything else that is not translated... Will have a look!

    And I can't find this word "karte" from main menu in English language file

    Whoops, I missed that personally. ;) Is fixed and will be added with next patch.

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