Thank you for sharing your work
But I think your building needs some rework in the texture area - there are some cutted vehicles in front of them
Tomorrow, I will make some texture photos, so I will retexture some objects
In the end I went to take texture photos, so I want to show that:
Anyway, I had a space lesson in my gymnasium, so took a photo from the FUTÁR display..., Which it didn't work It's will be god texture base for modell
Anyway, I saw the Márton Áron squere and I recognised the lot of differences between this state and 2014's year google maps pictures,
In last month the XII. district painted and renovated some buildings
In your opinions this pictures will be good texture base models or I should try again with better lights?
In this holiday I want to modeling the Kiss János altáboragy utca tram stop's place, but i am incredibly laisy