
  • Hallo,

    ist denn geplant die GT6N-Skripte im OpenScource-Ordner auf die Version mit SiFa zu aktualisieren? Oder war die Veröffentlichung nur ein einmaliger "Abzug" des Standes vom 20.09.?

  • I began to study the script and began to look at how everything was done in the GT6N and there were questions.

    1) What are files like StdElements.pas and TechElements.pas for?

    2) What is ZStellungFederkonst and ZStellungDamping?

    3) What is under the red inscription signs? What is there to describe?…73/15f219/Zn3sBo_sxwU.jpg

  • 1) will be answered very quickly. These scripts contain the various elements you need, such as buttons, levers, etc., so you don't have to write that code in your own script.

    2) I'm not sure myself right now^^

    3) If you mean this "{$I StdElements.pas}", that command is similar to a include command which is used in C or Basic

  • 3) I just did not understand what it signs. But it seems to be about the work of section C, then about the couplers and at the very end about the animation of the vents and IBIS. I understood correctly?

  • To describe it roughly, the {$I ***.pas} command imports another script so that you can use a variable from the other script in the current script.

    For example, TechElements includes many buttons, switches, relais, levers, sliders and so on. Now, if you want to implement a switch in your script, you import the functions of TechElements with "{$ I TechElements.pas}". Then you can then use "TSwitch" or "TStepSwitch" to script the switch.

  • 2) That is, I do not need to describe there that I have a single-section car and how should it behave?3

    I just realized that there is described the behavior of the sections.

    3) And yes, but what should I write after the lines where it is written in red?

    Kira, I understood that. I ask what to write, where it starts like this:

  • Kira, I understood that. I ask what to write, where it starts like this:

    ok, I've probably completely misunderstood:S sorry for that:D

    I think that 2) has something to do with the coupling, but as I said, I'm not so sure, so I'd rather be quiet. Maybe Julian or Marcel Kuhnt could say something more specific?

    I am also sure that your third question will be answered automatically as soon as it is clear what these values will do.

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