Generic question about making roads, crossings...etc

  • I have a few generic questions about building a map.

    So, in most cases map builders place the sidewalks and then add polygons to make the road. Sure that's a very precise way, but what about making road splines and crossing objects, like in OMSI?

    I want to start to build a real map but I have concerns about it.

    If I built it with road splines and crossing objects (note: almost all of the crossings look exactly the same), it'd take maybe a few hours to build kilometres of the map. But if I had to place the sidewalks on their own, measure the distances, add polygons in all crossings and streets, it would take days and it would not look any better, since almost all of the road crossings are the same (simple 90 degree crossings with the same amount of lanes).

    So, is there any benefits to not build a map like this? Like how the ligths work on polygons and/or scenery objects...etc.

    As a newbie i'd say it shouldn't make any difference. For example to build a bridge you'd place bridge splines and place the bridgeheads as objects. And it shouldn't make a difference there, so why would it anywhere else?

  • You can do something similar to OMSI, but in my opinion one intersection does not look exactly like the other, they are very similar, but there are small differences that make them unique (small potholes, broken curbs, destroyed road markings, etc.).

    I would also say that once you have found your own workflow, it would not take so long to build a simple intersection.

    Otherwise, you need to think about that the process of creating an intersection in a 3D modeling software and importing it with the Content Tool will also takes some time.

    All in all, it must be your own decision, I personally would avoid it at least within a city, but I do not blame anyone if they want to use intersection objects.

  • By the way, is there any method to rotate an object precisely? Like not with moving the mouse after pressing R but typing a number how many degrees rotation (according to I don't know, some global variable like the tiles as in OMSI).

  • One thing came to my mind. Are the footprints for only informing purposes or will they have any feature when AI comes in?

    I mean for example I made roads with sidewalks in one spline. I marked them as driving durface. May this occult in any problem or error in the future?

    Also, should I worry about these terrain holes?

    The funny thing is that they appear next to straight sidewalks and not around the sharp "sidewalk islands". Once it was mentioned in the lexicon that we shouldn't worry about these, because it's a well known bug. Sooooo, what should I do abaout these? I thought something like placing a road textured plane (scenery object) at -0.01m so the actual wholes couldn't be seen but that not-so-sophisticated method won't solve the terrain coloured areas.

  • One thing came to my mind. Are the footprints for only informing purposes or will they have any feature when AI comes in?

    I mean for example I made roads with sidewalks in one spline. I marked them as driving durface. May this occult in any problem or error in the future?

    As far as I got it the footprint is used for a street map that will be generated by the map editor (in future). So it should be no greater problem.

    Also, should I worry about these terrain holes?

    These holes are caused by the terrain cut algorithm. You may be able to get around them by rearranging the polygons a bit or make smaller polygons.

  • I know they're there because of the algorithm. Placing the polygons the other way around etc doesn't help, I tried with many forms.

    I'm just asking whether this is "normal" with this terrible terrain generating method or I'm doing something wrong in the editor.

  • Another issue I recently have is something like this:

    I tried to make the start of a bridge (I know we can't build bridges at the moment). I placed some subgrades as you can see. But it doesn't work at all. Parts which should be flat have hills on them, parts which should gradiently rise are flat. What am I doing wrong in the editor?

  • Are the footprints for only informing purposes or will they have any feature when AI comes in?

    No, they are just only for a later to implement 2D map generation.

    But it doesn't work at all.

    There is a flag missing, which is needed to deactivate the influence of nearby subgrades with higher priority. But this feature ist planned and on my list.

  • After all I could "solve" this problem, by placing a road spline which effects the terrain. And after that I'll place the sides of the "bridge" as standard splines, so I'll have something which looks like a wall rather than a hill.

    By the way, is there any warning why I shouldn't build a bridge from standard splines (bridge spline) and the S49 rails which do not effect the terrain? I heard that rails above each other doesn't really work at the moment, but that's particularly not that important for me.

  • By the way, is there any warning why I shouldn't build a bridge from standard splines (bridge spline) and the S49 rails which do not effect the terrain?

    Well, I don't know if I will use the information "track is on bridge" for other purposes than terrain generation later, e.g. lighting or such things... :-/

  • Well maybe different running sounds in vehicles, but I guess that will be linked to the rail type anyway.

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