Right hand drive

  • So I have some questions before I buy,

    1.I am more interested in RHD maps as I am based in the UK, will it be possible to make these in LOTUS?

    2. If I start making a bus map now, will it be able to work when the road module is released in the future?


  • I wouldn't recommend to start your map now, as the game is in early stage. But learning the editor, converting and using your object is an option, as Streets of LOTUS will use exactly the same editor, as they are not separated.

  • Starting your map now might be a good idea, it'll give you a headstart on other developers and such. I, for one, am converting my WIP OMSI 2 Map to LOTUS, because by the time I actually finish it, LOTUS will be out, effectively killing all the work I've put in. As far as I understand, you will be able to start the map now, and it'll work with all modules (please clear this up if it isn't true) - The modules are just the vehicles and simulation side of things, rather than the engine and tools.

  • Starting your map now might be a good idea, it'll give you a headstart on other developers and such. I, for one, am converting my WIP OMSI 2 Map to LOTUS, because by the time I actually finish it, LOTUS will be out, effectively killing all the work I've put in. As far as I understand, you will be able to start the map now, and it'll work with all modules (please clear this up if it isn't true) - The modules are just the vehicles and simulation side of things, rather than the engine and tools.

    By the looks of it, the editor looks more simple than omsi which is good! If it turns out its not a good idea to start making the map, at least I can start using the tools to make scenery objects etc..

  • yes you can start with it and it should be possible to use with the street. The only disadvantage is that you cannot test it right now, only with trams.

    And yes, the editor should be easier, especially with crossings ?

  • Think about it: It has to be possible because that's the whole deal with LOTUS: Combing different modes of transportation in one simulation. So yes, it has already been confirmed by the developers that you can use maps with all available modules. The map editor is the same, there is no special "Rails map editor" and "Streets map editor".

  • yes, you are right. But right now, you can only test your map with trams (if you build a crossing for a bus you won't know if you have the right radius, because buses aren't available right now).

    Yes, so I suppose its better to either wing it and change things up when you can drive a bus or just focus on scenery for now.

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