Preview image for polygons

  • Helo there!

    I was just wondering if everything or almost everything have a preview image in the map editor, then why polygons don't have? It will be much easier to find the right texture, not placing every polygon one-by one to find the one what you were looking for. My eyes are burned out too, due the long concentrating on the lot of texture name. (:Or maybe there is an easier way that i don't know yet? ?/

  • General Kenobi,

    some of the polygon presets including preview images are listed here (click). Your wish is noted, but will take time. Usually you don't have hundreds of presets and if so, they should be named properly. But I get your point, don't worry. Hope the link helps a little to find the most common presets.



  • Meanwhile you can try this:

    Place one polygone. The polygon must be choosen and the dropdown menu must be closed. If you scroll while hovering over the polygon name, the polyogon will change to the next texture.

    I hope this helps and the description is understandable.

  • Meanwhile you can try this:

    Place one polygone. The polygon must be choosen and the dropdown menu must be closed. If you scroll while hovering over the polygon name, the polyogon will change to the next texture.

    I hope this helps and the description is understandable.

    Thank you! This is a great idea, i will try it out!

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