Berlin traffic lights

  • Hello, the A means that the tram (or bus) has requested the traffic light phase for the direction it is going.

    The Z means that you can close the doors because the trafficlight will soon be 'green'.

    Just read the instructions.

    :lotus: Stadtgemeinde Neu-Falkenberg & Region

  • Hello, the A means that the tram (or bus) has requested the traffic light phase for the direction it is going.

    The Z means that you can close the doors because the trafficlight will soon be 'green'.

    Hi there,

    thank you for info :). Here (in Czech republic) we have for trams "4 dotted traffic light" like on image bellow, so I don't know about this :D.

    Just they didn't have any signal for close doors (that in few seconds will be "green").


    Patrik "EUcreepemineCZ" N.


    Patrik "EUcreepemineCZ" N. (CZ)

    Speaking: CZ/EN


  • Just they didn't have any signal for close doors (that in few seconds will be "green").

    In Prague we got the tram preferention box (that \|/ box bellow tram signal), which tram driver set in order to have free way earlier. If he sets it, the arrow will flash few seconds before free way. This is only at some intersections, but their number is bigger every year...

  • Just they didn't have any signal for close doors (that in few seconds will be "green").

    In Prague we got the tram preferention box (that \|/ box bellow tram signal), which tram driver set in order to have free way earlier. If he sets it, the arrow will flash few seconds before free way. This is only at some intersections, but their number is bigger every year...

    Yeah, it's true, in Ostrava I don't know about anythink of this :D. Just for switch direction to know, how is switch setted.


    Patrik "EUcreepemineCZ" N. (CZ)

    Speaking: CZ/EN


  • It means that you can drive if the road is clear and you have to follow normal traffic rules.

    So you need to watch out before you drive

    Just read the instructions.

    :lotus: Stadtgemeinde Neu-Falkenberg & Region

  • Better to say: You can drive but you have to honor §9 StvO you may have to give way.

    Unsere Züge fahren immer!

    Deine Feuerwehr.

    Master of Traffic signs

  • It seems we need some tutorial for German tram signals... They are way more complicated than our 4 dot signals.


    In Prague we got usually this. The two dots are part of the 4 dot signal, the red arrows signal switch position. There is sometimes also small yellow box with \|/ arrows. It can be seen also at bus intersections and signals traffic lights' preferention of public transport vehicle.

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