Arcaze USB-Interface

  • Mein Tipp wäre hier der, dass das mit dem globalen Chipmangel was zu tun hat. Die werden vermutlich einfach nicht die nötigen Bauteile bekommen, die sie für das Ding brauchen... Ist aber natürlich nur ne Vermutung.

  • Man kann auch gucken ob man das irgendwo anders bekommt. Hab meinen auch nicht über die offizielle Website gekauft sondern über nen anderen Elektroshop. Wie das dort jetzt aussieht weiß ich nicht. Man könnte suchen ob irgend ein anderer Shop sowas auf lager hätte.

  • Das Arduino hat teils die selben Möglichkeiten wie das Arcaze wenn es nur darum geht, sozusagen ein Pult als eine zweite Tastatur anzuschließen? Also nur die Schalter ohne Leuchten

  • Das Arduino hat teils die selben Möglichkeiten wie das Arcaze wenn es nur darum geht, sozusagen ein Pult als eine zweite Tastatur anzuschließen?

    Genau. Da ist die Programmierung des Pultes allerdings komplizierter. Da empfiehlt es sich mit dem Thema Programmierung auseinanderzusetzten und Youtube Videos zum Arduino Skripten anzusehen ;)

  • Da ist die Programmierung des Pultes allerdings komplizierter.

    Nun, für diesen simplen Anwendungszweck gibt es sicher eine Auswahl fertige Scripte die man verwenden kann. Man muss also nicht in der Lage sein selbst auch nur eine Zeile Code zu schreiben. Script drauf laden, höchstens mal einen Wert anzupassen o.ä., fertig.

  • Danke für die Hilfe. Aber bei den Preisen teilweise und dem Aussehen das es relativ kompliziert teils aussieht warte ich dann glaube ich lieber noch. 9.9:'D

  • Ich spreche nicht Deutsche, so please don't mind I write in english.

    You can buy arduino copies from ebay for relatively cheap - since the original Arduino schematics are available on their website, chinese suppliers sell many variants. I bought about a dozen pieces from different vendors, so far all of them worked just fine (one thingto mention: sometimes the chinese boards have a different, non-FTDI USB chipset, which practically means you have to install the driver of the chinese IC, that's it). It's not a big deal to programm simple switches, also you have to hook up only 2 wires per switch/button - one to let's say GND (ground) and one to a pin. It's not that harder than these keyboard emulators, on the other hand you can script them whatever you want (only send commands if the switch changes, delay it, send multiple strokes...etc).

  • Ich spreche nicht Deutsche, so please don't mind I write in english.

    You can buy arduino copies from ebay for relatively cheap - since the original Arduino schematics are available on their website, chinese suppliers sell many variants. I bought about a dozen pieces from different vendors, so far all of them worked just fine (one thingto mention: sometimes the chinese boards have a different, non-FTDI USB chipset, which practically means you have to install the driver of the chinese IC, that's it). It's not a big deal to programm simple switches, also you have to hook up only 2 wires per switch/button - one to let's say GND (ground) and one to a pin. It's not that harder than these keyboard emulators, on the other hand you can script them whatever you want (only send commands if the switch changes, delay it, send multiple strokes...etc).

    Thanks man, good to know

  • Mittlerweile steht auf der Website das das Arcaze USB INterface nicht mehr produziert wird.

  • I don't speak German, so please don't mind I write in English.

    You can buy Arduino copies from ebay for relatively cheap - since the original Arduino schematics are available on their website, Chinese suppliers sell many variants. I bought about a dozen pieces from different vendors, so far all of them worked just fine (one thing to mention: sometimes the chinese boards have a different, non-FTDI USB chipset, which practically means you have to install the driver of the chinese IC , that's it). It's not a big deal to program simple switches, so you have to hook up only 2 wires per switch/button - one to let's say GND (ground) and one to a pin. It's not that harder than these keyboard emulators, on the other hand you can script them whatever you want (only send commands if the switch changes, delay it, send multiple strokes...etc).

    do you know where I can get one of these board which you mentioned regarding switch changes as I have a lot of toggle switches that I need to make momentary for Omsi

  • Hallo ich habe 4 x Arcaze Interface neu Originalverpackt zu verkaufen.

    Bei Interesse gerne melden...

    Festpreis je 39,90€

  • Hallo ich habe 4 x Arcaze Interface neu Originalverpackt zu verkaufen.

    Bei Interesse gerne melden...

    Festpreis je 39,90€

    Hi, wie kann man dich anschreiben? :) Du brauchst einen Account hier im Forum, damit man per PN kommunizieren kann.

  • I don't speak German, so please don't mind I write in English.

    You can buy Arduino copies from ebay for relatively cheap - since the original Arduino schematics are available on their website, Chinese suppliers sell many variants. I bought about a dozen pieces from different vendors, so far all of them worked just fine (one thing to mention: sometimes the chinese boards have a different, non-FTDI USB chipset, which practically means you have to install the driver of the chinese IC , that's it). It's not a big deal to program simple switches, so you have to hook up only 2 wires per switch/button - one to let's say GND (ground) and one to a pin. It's not that harder than these keyboard emulators, on the other hand you can script them whatever you want (only send commands if the switch changes, delay it, send multiple strokes...etc).

    do you know where I can get one of these board which you mentioned regarding switch changes as I have a lot of toggle switches that I need to make momentary for Omsi

    What do you mean? You can easily get any kind of Arduino from e.g. Ebay. To make a toggle switch to appear as momentary you just have to program/code the arduino (or whatever you use) that way. Like you constantly read the inputs and if it changes, then you send a command.

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