I'm refactoring a vehicle script, and faced some issue. To be more precise, I have the globally declared, standard script event called "panto_0", which somehow was not identified by the compiler.
Here's the codelet:
And here's the error message:
I tried everything. Placing the declaration up and down, making local copies...etc. Do you know what solved the compiling issue?
You see, I added three dots in a comment. THAT was its problem. If I remove that comment line, everything works fine.
I'm not a pascal magician, but is that really an intended behaviour?
EDIT: after looking for info about commenting in pascal I found, that this kind of "//" commenting is not even the basic commenting style, comments should be in brackets/briefcases. After a bit of trying I start to think, that the LOTUS compiler simply doesn't eat multiline comments, or at least not in this format. My question is still valid though: is this intended or not?