Transitioning from a normal track to a flanged track can be a bit tricky, here I'd like to show you how to :-)
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A slightly more complicated construction in the Map-Editor is a lowered curb. The best way to build it is explained here.
A great start in the theme of "Texture AO" can be in following the process for the GT6N coupler, as shown here.
Ambient Occlusion (AO) is a technique in which shadows that are a result of the indirect environment lighting are precalculated and stored in a separate texture or in the mesh data. These are precalculated because of the high calculation load involved, which at this time does not allow for real-time calculation. However, as the environment light is assumed to be close to constant this doesn't present problems.
So-called text textures allow you to show the value of a string variable on a texture. For this we can use either a provided font or one we create ourselves (based on a bitmap). An additional option is to use specific draw functions in a script that draw on a texture.
The ContentTool creates automatic backups at each save action. The previous version is stored as a backup. Using this up to 10 previous versions are saved so you can restore them if needed. If you are working with the MapEditor, you should make regularly backups using the blue transport container button. Here we're describing how to restore these backups.
Content, like scenery items, have to be packaged in a container (*.lct file) before they can be loaded in LOTUS. The Content-Tool does this automatically, packaging all objects (and other content) in one folder into one container.
If at any point the combination of content is not as required, the folder has to be split up. This splitting can at the moment not be done automatically. For splitting manually you will require a bit of a magic touch. This article helps you with splitting. -
Material properties define who a material looks and "behaves".
There are some points and concepts to keep in mind when creating vehicle models for LOTUS, also to offer optimal performance for all players.
A mesh animation is any animation in which the mesh does not move as a whole but where the different vertices (corners) move independently. A typical example of this in vehicles is a gangway (bellows/harmonica), as this moves along with another wagon.
In this article we explain how to create and configure a mesh animation.