First Aid: Are two Headwires/Railtracks connected correctly?

  • It may happens, that two railtracks or headwires aren't connected. Further the train or the pantograph may be derailing. Modern pantographs may lead also to an odd looking effect.

    The testing of the connection is only possible in the Map editor, so only the creator of the map can check this.

    1 Get the ID of the inflicted segments

    Every segment and every object has its unique ID, which can be read in the status ar of the Map editor:

    The ID consists of the tile coordinates and an auto increment number.

    2 Find the entry in the path list

    Within the symbols bar there is the button to reach the path list:

    Find the incorrect segment within the pfad list by its ID:

    The list is parted in the several types (railtracks, headwires,...) to find the segments easier.

    After the segment is found the end of the line shows, which segment is connected to each other.

    2.1 Example:

    connections far end: 34617/21216/280 - linked @his near end, 34617/21216/282 - linked @his near end

    The "far end" has to segments:

    • 34617/21216/280, the segment we are looking for is connected at the others "near end".
    • 34617/21216/282, the segment we are looking for is also connected at the others "near end".

    The notices "linked" or "unlinked" are only for internal purposes and defines if the current element is loaded.