Hot Keys

  • Standard hot keys in LOTUS and the tools.

    1 Always possible

    Shortcut Action Requirement Assignment
    Ctrl + F5
    Press Online friends list
    Ctrl + F6 Press Online ignore list
    Ctrl + F7 Press Online companies list
    Ctrl + F8 Press Online player search
    Ctrl + G Press Online groups list
    Ctrl + T Hold Online enlarge chat window
    Shift + 7 Press -non- open chat window, insert slash
    Enter Press -non- open chat window, insert form

    2 Within the simulation

    2.1 In general

    Shortcut Action Requirement Assignment
    Escape Press -non- overlay
    Alt Press -non- in-game-menu
    P Press -non- pause
    Ctrl + P Press -non- create screenshot
    Ctrl + Shift + P Press -non- create 360° screenshot
    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P Press -non- //missing
    Ctrl + C Press -non- ingame date and time
    Ctrl + Y Press -non- toggle interface
    Ctrl + Shift + V Press LOTUS in VR mode center VR view
    Ctrl + Alt + Backspace Press -non- back to main menu

    2.2 Camera

    Shortcut Action Requirement Assignment
    F1 Press -non- drivers view
    F2 Press -non- passenger view
    F3 Press -non- outside view
    F4 Press real mode deactivated
    free camera
    mouse wheel/3rd mouse button
    Press -non- pan
    mouse wheel
    -non- zoom
    Shift + 3rd mouse button Press free camera activated
    Ctrl + 3rd mouse button Press free camera activated move camera vertical
    arrowkeys left and right
    Press drivers or passenger view
    switch through all views
    Ctrl + Shift + arrowkeys up and down Press drivers, passender or outside view change the current vehicle in the train
    arrowkeys up and down
    Press drivers, passender or outside view
    move camera forward or backward
    Shift + Space Press not in free camera
    reset view
    Ctrl + Shift + arrowkeys up and down Press
    free camera activated
    Switching between above-ground and underground levels

    2.3 Basic vehicle control

    2.3.1 Train

    Shortcut Action Requirement Assignment Scriptevent
    G Press An active switch is located in front of the first axis of the vehicle
    Change switch in front of the vehicle
    Shift + G Press An active switch is located behind the last axis of the vehicle, when driving backwards
    Change switch behind the vehicle
    Q Press behaviour depending on vehicle script
    Move driving switch forward
    A Press behaviour depending on vehicle script
    Set driving switch on neutral position
    Y Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Move driving switch backwards
    X Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Emergency brake
    Tab Hold behaviour depending on vehicle script
    hold deadmans switch
    Space Hold behaviour depending on vehicle script hold control button
    W Press behaviour depending on vehicle script move reverser forward
    S Press behaviour depending on vehicle script move reverser backward
    Num 1 Hold behaviour depending on vehicle script Sanding Sanding
    Num 3 Hold behaviour depending on vehicle script Use rail brake
    M Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Toggle main switch
    Num 7 Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Set indicator left
    Num 9 Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Set indicator right
    Num , Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Set indicator off IndicatorOff
    Ctrl + Num , Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Toggle warning indicator
    L Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Increase front light
    Shift + L Press behaviour depending on vehicle script decrease front light
    8 Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Cab lighting CockpitLightToggle
    B Hold behaviour depending on vehicle script Ring the bell
    H Hold behaviour depending on vehicle script Use the horn
    Num - Drücken behaviour depending on vehicle script Toggle door release button
    Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Open all doors
    Shift + ;
    Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Close all doors
    Num / Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Toggle first door
    Num * Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Switch to the other door side
    Shift + Del Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Use exterior steps for high plattforms
    Shift + End Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Use exterior steps for lower plattforms DoorStepPlattformLow
    Shift + Page down
    Press behaviour depending on vehicle script Use exterior steps for no plattforms DoorStepStreet

    3 Im start menu

    Shortcut Action Requirement Assignment
    F1 Press -non- Open quick aid

    4 Map Editor

    4.1 In general

    Shortcut Action Requirement Assignment
    Left mouse button
    Press -non- Menu
    Right mouse button
    Press -non- Pause
    Shift (in addition) Halten -non- Smooth Movement
    Ctrl (in addition) Halten -non- Snap mode
    G Press An object is selected
    Move object
    R Press An object is selected Rotate object
    Z Press An object is selected Move object along Z axis
    N Press No object is selected, but you selected an object type on the right
    Place new object

    4.2 View controls

    Shortcut Action Requirement Assignment
    Scrollwheel/3rd mouse button
    Hold -non- Pan (2D view: rotate the map)
    Scrollwheel Scroll -non- Zoom
    Shift + Scrollwheel/3rd mouse button Hold -non- Move
    Ctrl + Scrollwheel/3rd mouse button Hold -non- Move camera vertical (only in 3D mode)

    5 Content Tool

    Shortcut Action Requirement Assignment
    Scrollwheel/3rd mouse button Hold -non- Pan
    Scrollwheel Scroll -non- Zoom
    Shift + Scrollwheel/3rd mouse button Hold -non- Move
    Ctrl + Scrollwheel/3rd mouse button Hold -non- Move camera vertical