LOTUS Patch notes - 1.EA.110a

  • 1.EA.057

    - Simulation: Texture loading completely revised: Textures should be loaded much more "lag-free" and the memory usage should be lower, because the textures in the distance are first loaded in lower resolution. Fine-tuning is still missing, e.g. when textures are loaded in which resolution and when they are unloaded again. The mentioned change does not yet affect BMP textures. The feature is not yet finished. In the options you will find a slider for range control.

    - Simulation - Script processing in a separate thread

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Loading problem of RelifeKoblenz fixed

    - Simulation - Bugfix: mouse coordinates in scripts of modules now available

    - Simulation: Optimization of verification in case of server failure

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Calculation of the position of the sun in other time zones and places in the world

    - Multiplayer - Bugfix: Create or join a new game if you have been in a multiplayer game before and have not restarted LOTUS in between

    - Multiplayer - Bugfix: No more kick when entering a wrong chat channel

    - Multiplayer - Bugfix: The entry points of a previous game were still displayed in the configuration of the new game.

    - Multiplayer - Bugfix: GUI error (I, II, IV, etc.) fixed

    - Multiplayer - Bugfix: If the group you are in was still in an MP game and then disbanded, you were also thrown out of a singleplayer game, if applicable

    - Multiplayer: Added interim chat in the developer options (is less buggy than the original chat ;) )

    - Multiplayer: Company of a friend is now also displayed in the friend list - still gives errors

    - Multiplayer: Chat slightly improved

    - Multiplayer - Bugfix: leaving (/gleave) and re-joining an MP game caused error 400

    - Multiplayer: Chat opens automatically when an alert comes in (e.g. server shutdown)

    - Multiplayer - Bugfix: When creating a second game without restarting after leaving the 1st game, a game could be created although no map was selected

    - Simulation - GUI - Bugfix: Chat form (when you open the chat with the Enter key) was always the last channel where something was written and not the last channel where you wrote yourself

    - MapEditor: Remembers the last setting of the workshop filter

    - ContentTool: Checking possible whether a module has been assigned to a specific slot: function GetModuleSet(self: integer; slotindex: integer): boolean;

    - ContentTool: Handling added if you have too few letters on the bitmap in the Font Tool

    - ContentTool: Building type "Education" added

    - ContentTool: Handling added if script texture is not present

    - Content: FIS file updated from Steven3233

    - Content: "Streckenzubehoer" updated from RW1HH

    - Content: among other things the switch cabinet to test signal circuits added by Yufa

    - Content: Masts for 3,5m track center distance from Florian added

    - Languagefiles: Editor.Main.Coolbar.lblSubGradeWith changed to "Width:"

  • 1.EA.060 (Prepatch)

    Today's patch needs explanation, because it is incomplete. oOD If you look at the features, I'm about to list, in LOTUS, you will notice missing language entries and maybe even find bugs. The patch is necessary to bring all betatesters, nightlybuilders and NoneOfThisers to the same level - and you might see why tonight (I can't promise that). We'll be back with language entries, bugfixes and missing features as soon as we can.

    - Simulation: Online verification for payware introduced. This works the same way as the online verification of the modules. If problems occur, please post the debug logfile in the support forum, because it will be needed.

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Occupied message and suspension of routes was defective

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Problems with "sent"-variables of e-couplings fixed

    - MapEditor: Support of WMS maps / aerial images in the UTM coordinate system - these can now be stored in the editor. For example something like this: https://fbinter.stadt-berlin.d…39,5818576,387407,5819249

    - MapEditor - Bugfix: In "street mode" the traffic light optics were no longer selectable (to add them to a traffic light system)

    - MapEditor: Changes to the server to significantly accelerate the processes involved in loading reservations

    - MapEditor: function for independent deletion of reservations, even if the map is no longer available

    - MapEditor: Vehicles in wagon order (see section "General Configuration" on the left side of the MapEditor) can also be provided with repaints (untested)

    - ContentTool - Bugfix: BitmapFont-Tool generated wrong error message that the number of characters in bitmap and string do not match

    - ContentTool: Script functions "Power" (power) and "Ln" (natural logarithm) added

    - Content: Berlin FIS updated by Steven3233

    Known bugs:

    - several language entries, especially in the MapEditor, will be added later

    - LOTUS has problems with the correct selection of the Repaint-Textures in the simulation

    - Maps converted from multiplayer to singleplayer are still playable in multiplayer for a short period of time ;)

  • 1.EA.060a

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Placement of road vehicles at the wrong place

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Repaint problems fixed

    - MapEditor - Bugfix: Tile display "Map" working again

    - Language: Editor.Main.cpStreets.btnAddSelObjsToTLSystem.hint ==> Select the traffic lights and/or paths to be synchronized and click here to add them to the currently selected traffic light.

  • 1.EA.060b

    - MapEditor - Bugfix: Tile display "Map" working again

    - ContentTool - Bugfix: Adding an animation subsequently should no longer shift the animation assignment of module slots

  • 1.EA.060c

    - MapEditor - Bugfix: Out of range exception when loading the standard map tiles if no aerial photo link was entered

    - MapEditor - Bugfix: Incorrect message that Multiplayer map is no longer registered on the server

    - ContentTool: Pure AI vehicles can be hidden in the section "Manufacturer, Description..." (crossed out eye) so that they do not appear in the vehicle selection dialog anymore

    - Content: Finally added the great AI Citroën 2CV of the Hamburg78 addon! Many thanks to RW1HH ! The 2CV can currently be used as a parking vehicle....within a short time it will be able to do more 9.9

  • 1.EA.062

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Trains can be exchanged during the game. There are problems when changing from a rail vehicle to a road vehicle and vice versa, those will be fixed asap.

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Entering the group game now also possible after game start

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: If you want to join a group game, it is checked if you have the necessary content

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: It is possible to ping the group as group leader in the vehicle selection menu if someone has fallen asleep.

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: You can delete the content selection with one click

    - Simulation: After the loading process is finished you will be reminded of LOTUS if you were distracted in between... ;) If you need an option concerning this, please tell me.

    - MapEditor: Significant reduction of strong lags when moving on the map over long distances

    - MapEditor - Bugfix: Error message when moving traffic lights up and down in the list

    - ContentTool - Bugfix: Occasionally with objects without script for variable incompatibilities

    - Content: Stevens FIS updated

  • 1.EA.065

    During the last weeks I had to remove the bugfixes and new features of the simple vehicle AI while transferring the patch notes from the beta area to the public area. Today I will probably do this for the last time ;)

    - Simulation: Interim chat is now hidden when loading the simulation

    - Simulation: Textures are no longer de-loaded when LOTUS is minimized

    - Simulation: With [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt]+[R] different wireframe modes can be switched through

    - Simulation: New standard loading screen

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Incorrect spawn position of tractions on "reverse entry points"

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: At the moment players at a distance are hidden and only shown when they approach each other. This can cause laggs.

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: "Disconnected" symbol added

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Fixed a cause of massive synchronization problems - more problems are probably still to be found...

    - Simulation - Multiplayer - Bugfix: Multiplayer player bus does not shake anymore

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: No more numbers behind duplicate names

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Entrypoint selection when joining the vehicle configuration

    - Simulation: Module-slot names are no longer labeled directly, but via a language file. As long as this change has not been made for a certain module slot, its name will now appear in <angle brackets>.

    - Server: Certain server functions have been reworked to fix a crash cause.

    - ContentTool: Sounds can be tested in the Object&Vehicle Tool

    - ContentTool: Sounds can have a different fade-in delay than fade-out delay

    - ContentTool: Sounds can be set so that their control variable is only reset to 0 when the sound has finished playing

    - ContentTool: When importing independent sounds, the tool can now also use the beginning of the file name as ContentSubID, e.g: "1234_name.wave" ==> ContentID is then 1234

    - ContentTool/Simulation: The Script Test window now has a filter option at the top for variables (affects both components and diagrams) and for events (buttons at the bottom left). If nothing is entered there, LOTUS displays all variables and buttons, but now capped at 1000 each. Alternatively, the names of the variables or events that are only to be displayed can now be entered there, separated by ";".

    - ContentTool - Bugfix: Script initialization after loading objects fixed

    - Content: In the OpenSource directory there is now the "AIStdCar.pas", which is the standard script for AI cars. (Unfortunately it ended up in the GT6N directory)

    - Content: FIS updated by Steven :)

  • 1.EA.066

    The simple non-scheduled AI is finally here!

    What the simple AI can do:

    • Drive straight ahead
    • Stop
    • Go
    • Turn
    • Merge
    • The opposite of merge
    • Show consideration for the user vehicle (bus and tram)
    • Clear the intersection (simple)
    • Traffic jam
    • Know traffic lights
    • "Right before left" and other right-of-way rules
    • indicators, tail lights, headlights

    What the simple AI can't do yet:

    • Change lanes
    • driving uneven speeds at the same speed limit
    • Clear the intersection (complex)
    • Overtaking
    • Multiplayer

    What's not there yet:

    • Driving AI cars from Oriolus. First of all, take the great CV2 that Rolf has made available to you all from his addon. Later on there will definitely be modern AI cars!

    In addition to what should already work, we are happy about clear bug reports. To make them useful we need a video of the bug and a screenshot of the AI-paths on the map at the location, preferably from the same perspective.

    More patchnotes:

    - Simulation - Multiplayer - Bugfix: Bug in position algorithm fixed. This fixes the problems with bad internet connection.

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Loading and unloading of multiplayer players improved, but the lags still happen as soon as a player becomes visible!

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Improved synchronization, there are still rare bugs with bus players

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Pure AI vehicles are no longer in the vehicle selection list

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Notification when someone joins the game (untested)

    - Simulation: Entrypoints now sorted alphabetically

    - Content: LCD matrix updated by Tene

    - Content: New version of the Diorama map

    - Content: Streckenzubehoer updated by Rolf

    - Content: Stevens Bus PIS updated

  • 1.EA.066a

    - Simulation: tolerance increased, how far a bus may deviate left or right from the center line of the roadway and still be recognized by AI traffic

    - Simulation: When a rail vehicle is stationary, it no longer blocks AI traffic if the vehicle is not directly in front of it

    - Simulation - Bugfix: freezing of module scripts (engine/gearbox, IBIS/Almex...) if you are too far away from bus/tram

    - Content: The developers of the Düsseldorf Addon have donated addon content for the LOTUS standard scope! Many thanks!

    - Content: Update of the vegetation of Florian

  • 1.EA.066b

    - Simulation: Cause for the flickering of street lights found. We first reduced it to a minimum using a hotfix. Further adjustments require more time and will be made later.

    - Content: Classical cars of the Düsseldorf addon added

  • Patch 1.EA.067

    - Restructuring of parked and moving AI vehicles: "Moving" vehicles (rail and road traffic and AI or user) have a new parameter that defines which "parked" scenery object vehicle should be assigned to it. In the future, it will be possible for moving vehicles to park via this connection and vice versa, of course. This can be realized for non-scheduled traffic on the street or in public parking lots, as well as in depots with both buses and trams, whereby the parked vehicles can be those that are not currently driving in the game. This change has the following consequences:

    * From now on, the scenery objects of the parked cars will no longer be entered in the parking space lists, but the actual "moving" vehicles. Old parking lists are however downwards compatible, there is no need to reconfigure them.

    * Parking and moving vehicles must be in the same container and "share" the same textures, otherwise repaints are not possible, because...

    * Parking and moving vehicles share the repaint configuration files. Repaints are only defined for the moving vehicle and thus appear in the parking space lists. There are no separate Repaints for parked cars (currently).

    Parking and moving vehicles are merged as follows:

    * The parked vehicle is also imported as a scenery object as before and assigned the appropriate class.

    * in the settings of the moving vehicle there is a new entry almost at the bottom where you can select the corresponding parking vehicle. Only parked cars that have already been packed into a container and if the ContentTool has been restarted in between are listed here.

    - Simulation: Show ingame time with Ctrl+C

    - Simulation: Interface in the simulation is hidden with Ctrl+Y (Ctrl+Z), e.g. to hide player names for screenshots

    - Simulation - Multiplayer - Bugfix: Old bug restored, that the location of a "friend" is emptied when he goes AFK, but new bug fixed, that the location is occasionally not updated

    - Simulation - Multiplayer - Bugfix: Ctrl+Y to hide the interface no longer quits the multiplayer game. The bug was weird, but cool!

    - Simulation - Multiplayer - Bugfix: The or an "Overlay.HandleEvents" bug when joining a multiplayer game was fixed

    - ContentTool: New workshop tag: AI vehicles

    - Content: A total of eight new, up-to-date cars for AI traffic and to occupy parking spaces

    - Content: The diorama map has been completely converted to the new eight cars

    - Content: New Streckenzubehoer container from Rolf

    - Content: PIS file updated by Steven

  • 1.EA.067a

    - Simulation - Bugfix: position on path when placing "asymmetric" vehicles (in longitudinal direction) backwards wrong

    - MapEditor: Road paths now have the maximum speed as a parameter and this can also be preselected at the top of the toolbar

  • 1.EA.067b

    - Content: Florian has updated the classical cars and the OLMast container


    - Content: Phillip and Rolf updated their containers

  • 1.EA.068

    - Simulation: Change from "with shadow" (day) to "without shadow" (night) in twilight now much more realistic and less suddenly

    - Simulation: With Ctrl+C you can now also display the ingame date

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: New option: Players' vehicles are preferably reloaded when standing

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Only those vehicles are transmitted to the player that he can see

    - Simulation - Multiplayer - Bugfix: AFK display of players ingame works now, but is a bit delayed for efficiency reasons

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Vehicle equipment and constants were not displayed in GUI

    - MapEditor: Hiding of AI paths possible

    - ContentTool: Variables RC_PIS_Route and RC_PIS_StopSeq added, with which the route and the index within the route can be transmitted to mulitplayer vehicles

    - Content - GT6N: supports "RC_PIS_Route" and "RC_PIS_StopSeq"

    - Content - GT6N: Clutches now fold out for traction in MP

    - Content - Diorama: Two holes filled

    - Content: Streckenzubehoer from Rolf has received a new catenary pole

    - Content: New PIS from Steven

  • 1.EA.074

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Now with AI! We especially thank Teneberus , Steven3233 , darkrai and gt670dn for countless hours on Dusseldorf to finish this feature.

    - Simulation - Multiplayer: Traffic density and number of cars now adjustable by the game master. Don't set the AI too high, for some computers it is too much ;)

    - Simulation: Small performance improvement (influence on the FPS only under certain conditions)

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Signals have switched wrong in some cases (e.g. with the Basecontent universal switch signal the W1, if you have assigned multiple routes to the W0)

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Black GT6N rear parts (and possibly other similar effects), especially on the "other" in multiplayer

    - Simulation - Bugfix: Although vehicles were switched to "invisible", they were partially displayed in the vehicle selection

    - Simulation - Bugfix: "Old" electric switchs in multiplayer (e.g. on Hamburg) work now

    - Simulation - Bugfix: MP/KI cars had no curve squeaking sound

    - Simulation: Temporarily added an interim PIS display, can be activated by option

    - MapEditor - Bugfix: Invisible tracks could not be laid

    - MapEditor: Tracks can no longer be deleted in "street mode", only marked (for the traffic lights)

    - ContentTool: New script function: "function RegEx(Input: string; Pattern: string): boolean", tests strings for a certain format

    - ContentTool: New script function: "function RegExReplace(Input: string; Pattern: string; Replacement: string): string"

    - Content: Stevens PIS updated

    - Content: Flipdot display - various bug fixes

    - Content: Green traffic light poles (Pole and Whip) added

    - Content: Update of Florian's containers

  • 1.EA.074a

    - Content: Streckenzubehoer container of Rolf updated. Some material settings changed! If your map looks strange at some places, please recalculate the tiles.

    - Content: Stevens PIS updated

  • Janine

    Changed the title of the thread from “LOTUS Patch notes” to “LOTUS Patch notes - 1.EA.074a”.
  • 1.EA.075

    With this patch we say goodbye due to a small patch summer break until August. For support and hotfixes we are of course still here. :) :sunny:

    - Simulation: In the route overview, the special characters are also listed if the route has one.

    - Simulation: The first destination is entered in the route overview if the route has no stops.

    - MapEditor: Singleplayer maps can now be converted into multiplayer maps. The following applies: Maps with DEM are reserved on the Fictional Planet and are visible in the overview from now on. Later on they can be selected, loaded and driven on in the multiplayer together with other Planet maps. Maps without DEM can also be converted, but are only playable as an individual map in the multiplayer. Have fun! :)

    - MapEditor: MP maps may overlap now - so everyone can reserve a map whereever he wants to.

    - MapEditor - Bugfix: Problems when changing tile reservations

    - ContentTool - FIS: FEATURE REMOVED: In the special FIS no more stops or routes can be added or edited

    - ContentTool - FIS: When editing stops / destinations no permanent update after each character

    - ContentTool - FIS: The general additional strings as well as those of stations, routes and route stops can now alternatively be edited in a separate, resizable/maximizable window

    - ContentTool - Bugfix: With special FIS files there was sometimes no save prompt

    - Content: Stevens PIS updated

    - Content: Vegetation update from Florian

  • Janine

    Changed the title of the thread from “LOTUS Patch notes - 1.EA.074a” to “LOTUS Patch notes - 1.EA.076”.
  • 1.EA.076

    - Simulation - loading process could be shortened very much.

    - Simulation - Bugfix: If you didn't stop anywhere when the option "Reload while standing" was active, you almost inevitably drove into the void.

    - MapEditor: For the construction of route elements (when using absolute heights) a gradient can be preselected with which the new elements are laid. If the gradient deviates in the point to which it is docked, a suitable transition piece is constructed.

    - MapEditor: In the track geometry (former switch) calculator you can now also construct track changes with transition curves.

    - MapEditor: When entering numerical parameters when laying reference lines, tracks etc., the transition curve parameter "A" can also be entered directly.

    - Content: Steven's PIS updated

    - Content: Yufa's Container updated

    - Content: Streckenzubehör from Rolf updated