Several questions about the Editor

  • 1. How to undo action?

    2. How to copy object, spline ect.?

    3. How to load map from the Editor without restarting it?

    4. How to delete spline attaced to another spline like sidewalk snaped to the border stone like on [8:20] here:


    if it is unanable I suggest to realise it in the future, because these are really nessessary functionality

  • 1.) That's not possible

    2.) This is not possible yet, but it is planned, that objects can be copied.

    3.) This is not planned, because the effort is very high and it would be very rare situation, when you would like to work first on map A and then direct behind on map B.

    4.) Click on the small square with the right mouse button and there you can click on the appropriate menu entry. But please mind that you cannot remove the spline which was "the first one". You can only remove splines which had be attached later.

  • 3.) This is not planned, because the effort is very high and it would be very rare situation, when you would like to work first on map A and then direct behind on map B.

    Actually it could work instead of point 1: if you do smt wrong, you could reload the map, and it is not a rare case at all.

    Thanks for response though.

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