First aid: Wrong render order

  • Especially with semi-transparent meshes, the render order plays a crucial role. Now it can happen that everything is correct in the content tool, but the order in the simulation is wrong.

    1 Problem

    Especially with semi-transparent meshes, the render order plays a crucial role. Now it can happen that everything is correct in the content tool, but the order in the simulation is wrong.

    2 Background

    When exporting, the Content tool combines identical materials and meshes that have completely identical properties (i.e. material, animation, visibility, etc.). This often leads to a change in order, but since the Content Tool always shows the unmerged version, everything looks normal there.

    3 Solution

    A mesh property is planned that it may not be combined with others. As long as this is not the case, the mesh can be "separated" by having other properties:

    • Other visibility (variables, flags...)
    • Other Animation
    • Other material, whereby it must be noted that the material is really "different", i.e. at least one parameter is set slightly differently. That should be enough! :-)