First aid: Footprint could not be created

  • The message "Attention: Footprint could not be created, bodie's shape is too complex. Please check the result on the footprint options dialog!" appears.

    1 Problem

    The message "Attention: Footprint could not be created, bodie's shape is too complex. Please check the result on the footprint options dialog!" appears.

    2 Background

    Under default settings, LOTUS generates a two-dimensional floor plan (footprint) for each building, etc. It can happen that the generation fails, especially with complex meshes, especially if holes or similar illogical constructions are installed at (approximately) base height.

    3 Solution

    If corresponding corrections in the mesh (e.g. closing gaps in the mesh etc.) do not bring any improvement, the generation of the floor plan must be switched off if necessary.

    To do this, you can either select "Invisible" on the left in the "General settings" in the "Floor plan" dialog box, or select an alternative representation using the "Load file..." or "Generate screenshot" buttons. In both cases, no more floor plan will be generated (until the setting is changed back if necessary) and the message will no longer appear.